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Keep Your Power Running With An Electrical Panel Maintenance Check


The heat is at its peak and so is your air conditioner! As a licensed Plano electrician, ElectricMan is experiencing high call volume due to overheating of the A/C Breaker. This is caused by 2 things: that the air conditioner is running full time to keep up with the demand for cold air and loose wiring at the air conditioning breaker at your electrical panel.

Why You Should Schedule Maintenance Checks

With a simple maintenance checkup on your electrical panel, you could save yourself LOTS of MONEY! Many electrical panel replacements and air conditioning unit replacements could be avoided with this simple routine maintenance. Our licensed and experienced technicians do this maintenance in less thanĀ half an hour and that could keep you from going without power and parting with that hard-earned money. Summers are meant to be enjoyed, live life to its fullest!
